I am triple vaccinated. I understand a 4th one may be on its way. I’ll take it as soon as it is available. But this isn’t about me. It is about heroes. People, standing on the shoulders of giants, developed our vaccines within 48 hours after receiving the genetic codes. I also understand that they now have an antiviral pill called Paxlovid that helps prevent serious illness and death. Saying thanks to those winners is not enough. I want to tip my hat to those who tried and failed. They probably lost lots of money and their stock tanked to boot. But they did all that to help you and me. I am guessing that they would do it all over again if the opportunity arose. Three cheers to those who “gave it a go.”
Covid has been a libertarian moment! Of course lockdowns and mandates would say otherwise but telehealth is everywhere. The court systems have learned how to use Zoom. There is something very libertarianish about “work from home.” Most localities now approve outdoor dining and “drinks to go.” Lots of parents are thinking through their options about homeschooling, private schools and charter schools. Bottlenecks at the California ports have taught us to focus on trucking rules, storage regulations and anti-technology union contracts.
Every time we see deregulation, a libertarian gets his wings and working folk keep their jobs.